Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kindergartener Quotes

So I was observed for the 2nd time today. My supervisor quietly comes into the classroom while all of the kids are sitting on the carpet.

Of course they notice him...."Ms. Zellers, there's your boss!" Ha!

After he comes in the class, I notice one of the boys pointing to my supervisor's chin.

Boy: "What is on your chin?"
Supervisor: "Is there something on my chin?" (he bends down for the boy to see closer)
Boy: grabs the excess skin hanging underneath his chin
Boy: "You look like a lizard?"

I wanted to die laughing!

It doesn't stop there...

Next, this little girl says, " Ms. Zellers, your boss got older."

I thought I was going to lose it, but the lesson went well and my supervisor was happy with it.

One more quote to remember...
Later in the day, this little boy raises his hand..."Ms. Zellers, you're sweater looks like a washrag."

HAHAHAHA...these kids make me smile every day.
I'm tired. I'm exhausted. but I am loving it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHH so funny! At least that little kid didn't call YOU a lizard!