Monday, August 27, 2007


Life is picking up again. It is getting busy.
But wait, I'm pretty sure busy was the descripter for my summer.
So really the crazy, busy life is in continuation.
But, I'm okay with that.
In fact, this time of the year is my favorite.
Students come back to campus and it it ALIVE again.
In FULL swing.

Hello Fall.
Hello Football Season:)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wiped OUT

Wow...just got back from Michigan, where we went for our week long preseason soccer trip. It was a good time for sure.


-played a TON of soccer
-went to Warren Dunes
-ran up the sand dune 5 times
-conquered the waves of lake michigan...ha they were surprisingly huge.
-slept in one big room - 24 girls yikes!
-did some tubing
-water skied
-ate good
-went canoeing
-journeyed through Christ's life
-worshiped the Lord together

It was sooooooo tiring and I am wiped out at this moment, but it was AMAZING.
Michigan is beautiful and again, I say, I WILL have a boat and live near a lake one day.

Time for some rest.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Off to Michigan

Leaving for Michigan for our week long preseason camp.
Should be a good time.
the lake. campground. the team. soccer. Jesus....yeah it's gonnna be ROCKIN.

all packed up and ready to go.
my OSU buckeye shirt an all...haha...gotta have ohio gear when you enter Michiganer country!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Six Flags

Illinois - Went to Six Flags today, which doesn't even begin to compare to Cedar Point (located in rockin Ohio), but one thing must be noted and remembered for further amusement park visits.

*Do not ride the teacups ever again. Unless, I need a good upchucking.

I did ride the teacups. I did not get sick, but it took everything in me to keep it down.

I'd like to say I have a strong stomach, but I can only take so much of contant spinning motion. All in all, it was a good day of rollercoaster riding. The only downfall was that it rained near the end of the day, and after waiting in line for an hour for Superman, it was shutdown due to rain.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Da Bears Camp

I'm working Bears Camp and no matter how many times I see the players walk by me...

I'm still starstruck!

I mean they are human just like me right!? ha.
If I wasn't such a sports nut, it would make this a lot easier.

Chris Leak (Gators QB) walked by me the other night as he was headed to the field and I wish I would have thought of it at the time, but I would have yelled, "Go Bucks!"

Ha, not sure how he'd recieve that, but it would have been fun.